Hey sweetheart, how have you been? I know it has been sometime now that we have been apart...I would be lying if I said I did not miss you. It pains me that I have to be so many miles away from you, that I even have to write this instead of saying it to you as you sit by my side, but I guess that is something I have to accept. The job still is not going so well, I hate what I am doing and sometimes I wonder if I should change my career completely. I don't know what to do, everything seems so much easier when we are with each other. I hate that life is so complicated and there are so many obstacles along the way before you can be truly happy. But like I always said to you, being happy just to be should be the true creed....I'm trying. Whenever I'm really down I look at that picture of you when you were little, and I find a way to smile...you look so adorable with those chicken legs haha =). Ahh to be innocent again, and not have to deal with all this nonsense. Remember when we used to say we just wanted to run away together and start a new life, to just put it all behind and be completely content that we had each other. Maybe that's all we need. I envision that sometimes...it's such a serene dream...you in the garden planting flowers, me on the porch listening to the game on the radio with the rolling hills in the distance. Great dream, and then I wake up and my boss is in my face yelling at me and reality hits haha. One day we'll make it happen, I promise I'll be back....but for now....what's going on up there, how are classes and work going? Don't worry so much about school, everything always has a way of working itself out (and if it doesn't you can always wear the hat I gave you reaaal low at your desk and let your eyes wander.... like you don't do that already!) Last time we talked, you were kinda down and not yourself, you know it pains me to know you're not yourself...stay positive and go out! Make some new friends, try new things, show the world that beautiful smile of yours. You're going to be just fine....just go to Fairfield like we always used to do and think things through. It's not the same without you but...I go to the mill in town and sit by the waterfall sometimes because it's so beautiful and peaceful...just like our spot by the lake. Not a day goes by that I don't wish you were here with me. Stay smiling...I'll try to do the same. I love you with all my heart.
All my best,